Village Visioning

Vision for Self Reliance

Village vision is a community effort to chart a course for their immediate and remote future. It will help communities to envisage their village as a comfor-table place to live, work and socialise.

The ‘Visioning for Self Reliance’ initiative assayed by the Organisation covers 176 villages across the country

To assess and identify the needs, all sections of the village community meet and discuss extensively and come to an understanding for addressing such needs that are necessary for better standards of living in their village.

Community visioning begins with identification of its future needs. The community then works steadily together towards developing strategies to achieve the needs so identified. In the process all the individuals; government officials, teachers, students, the business community and retired officials, doctors, women, elected members of the village council, community leaders and senior citizens can participate in the process and articulate their needs.

At Child Development Nepal Visioning for Self Reliance (VSR) is a five-stage process normally concluded or finalised over a period of anything between 4 and 6 months.

Focus Meet

Phase - I

  • Detail the benefits of VSR to the village development council Gram Vikas Samiti (GVS)
  • Sub-groups of GVS discuss the ‘as is’ situation of the village with respect to each priority area for development such as health, education, adult literacy, water, sanitation and environment, livelihoods, agriculture, infrastructure development, population status etc.
  • The GVS then discusses in detail ‘what they already have’ and ‘what they want to have’ from the areas above or any other areas of development and list all such ideas for in-depth discussions
  • The GVS consolidates all ‘desirable’ projects/initiatives without prioritising any
  • The GVS will then match their list against the various government schemes available for village development

Listing of resources

Phase - II

  • The GVS will study facts gathered through family and village level surveys to identify any gaps perceived in the quality of life in the village
  • Based on the list of areas and ideas, small groups can be formed for each area of activity to discuss in detail
  • GVS and the small groups then revisit the entire list of gaps and prepare a consolidated list after debate and discussion between all the members of the village.
  • The list is prioritised in order of importance taking into consideration the need and ability of the people themselves to implement the activity.

Developing vision and strategy

Phase - III

  • Sub groups determine the cost and source of funds as well as an investment recovery plan to cover operational expenses
  • Identify leaders for individual initiatives
  • Set time targets
  • Determine critical success factors
  • Identify the benefits to be derived from each initiative
  • The GVS and the smaller focus groups revisit the original list and prepare priorities after thorough deliberations

Develop action plan

Phase - IV

  • Display draft Vision Statements in several prominent locations in the village
  • Promote and communicate the information extensively
  • Conduct a village community meeting (Gram Sabha) to solicit views and opinions
  • Revise the Vision based on suggestions and recommendations emerging from the Gram Sabha
  • Develop an action plan for implementation

Implement, Monitor & Revise

Phase - V

  • Initiate action on activities by implementing the action plan
  • Monitor progress continually
  • Review progress in monthly GVS meetings
  • Make required corrective action wherever needed
  • Prepare an annual document with revisions of the initial vision if necessary



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