In India hypertension is emerging as a major health problem in urban as well as rural areas. We have found that cases of hypertension in our villages have an incidence of 4% of the population in conformance with the national average. This indicates that the prevalence of hypertension has increased by 10 fold in rural India. Due to changes in lifestyle and diet, stress and rising unemployment the situation is likely to deteriorate.
Till recently, public health initiatives have hitherto been largely confined to communicable diseases. However, in addition to the primary healthcare provided by the Organisation, we also work in the areas of non-communicable killer diseases like hypertension, diabetes and epilepsy.
Till date nearly 32,500 hypertensive have been identified and almost 23,000 of them are availing the benefits
The Organisation's intervention is in the following areas:
» Hypertension testing at the doorstep using digital sphygmomanometers
» Specialty weekly clinic for monitoring
» Dispensing of Control drugs for a month at a time.
» Detection and management of Diabetes
» Cost of treatment reduced by 75% compared to market prices